Když mě nechceš, což je víc? [If you don't want me, so what?]
song for tenor and piano after a text by František Ladislav Čelakovský from Tunes from Echoes of Czech Songs
first performance 1876 Brno
first edition Editio Moravia, Brno 1997
JW V/1
Moravská lidová poezie v písních [Moravian folk poetry in songs]
folksong arrangements for voice and piano
1. Love, 2. Magic, 3. A little singing girl, 4. A lover's radiance, 5. A lover's picture, 6. The little garden, 7. Flowers of love, 8. Pennyroyal, 9. The corn cockle, 10. The carnation, 11. The apple tree, 12. Little apple, 13. Little red apples, 14. The hazelnut, 15. Fidelity, 16. Constancy, 17. Who's the posy for?, 18. My lover's horses, 19. The little feather, 20. Desire, 21. A burden, 22. Keepsakes, 23. Sending messages, 24. The promise, 25. The reveille, 26. The mayor's daughter, 27. The gamekeeper, 28. Uncertainty, 29. The little letter, 30. Rosemary, 31. Good hunting, 32. The cuckoo, 33. Slander, 34. The orphan, 35. Nostalgia, 36. Then and now, 37. The little bench, 38. Parting, 39. All alone, 40. What sort of sky is this?, 41. Tears of comfort, 42. The guelder-rose, 43. Parting with one's sweetheart, 44. Fate, 45. Kolín, 46. Belgrade, 47. Aching head, 48. A piece of good advice, 49. The mosquitoes' wedding, 50. Musicians, 51. Lover as murderer, 52. The bandits' funeral, 53. Married far away
- after folksong texts and tunes from the collection Bartoš-Janáček Bouquet of Folksongs
first performance 1904 Brno (4 unspecified songs), 1905 Brno (number and selection unspecified)
first edition Bouquet of Moravian Folksongs, 1st vol, Emil Šolc, Telč 1892, 2nd vol. 1901, Moravian Folk Poetry in Song, Emil Šolc, Telč 1908
JW V/2
Jarní píseň [Spring song]
for voice and piano after a text by Jaroslav Tichý
first version 1897, 1898, second version 1905
first performance of first version, 1898 Brno, second version, 1905 Brno
first edition of second version Oldřich Pazdírek, Brno 1944
JW V/3
1897, 1898, rev. 1905
Ukvalská lidová poezie v písních [Hukvaldy folk poetry in songs]
folksong arrangement for voice and piano
1. Ondraš, Ondraš!, 2. You little church in Hukvaldy!, 3. My dear mummy, 4. On the mayor's meadows, 5. Why, guelder-rose, do you stand so sadly?, 6. Hanka, the mayor's daughter, 7. The herdsgirl was tending the animals, 8. What shadows are these?, 9. There's an oak in our yard, 10. When I walked through the dark forest, 11. You little church in Hukvaldy, hey!, 12. God reward you, 13. When I walked by the yard
- after Hukvaldy folksong texts and tunes
- first performance 1898 Brno
- first edition A. Píša, Brno 1899
JW V/4
Návod pro vyučování zpěvu [Singing-teaching manual]
104 examples including vocal exercises with piano accompaniment for two voices
- first edition A. Píša, Brno 1899
JW V/5
[Pět moravských tanců] [Five Moravian dances]
folksong arrangement for voice and piano
1. Old-fashioned dance: That little Hukvaldy church, 2. Tovačov, Tovačov, the castle in Tovačov, 3. Saw dance: We've finished cutting at the sawmill, 4. Whirling dance: Oh, women, 5. Cross-polka: My brother died, I remained here
- after folksong texts and tunes
first performance 1948 Brno, first performance nos. 2 and 5 1949 Brno
- first edition Večery
literary supplement of Lidové noviny, Brno 1912 (only no. 5), Supraphon, Prague
1979 (complete)
JW V/6
1908, 1912
[Čtyři balady] [Four ballads]
folksong arrangement for voice and piano
1. Ballad, 2. A prisoner sat, 3. Ballad, 4. I have a family.
Texts and tunes: no. 1 folksong written by Martin Zeman, no. 2 folksong written by Metoděj Dušek, no. 3 folksong written by Františka Kyselková, no. 4 folksong written by Ludvík Kuba
first performance
unknownfirst edition as part of the collection Folksongs and Ballads, Panton, Prague 1978 (only no. 3), Supraphon, Prague 1980 (complete)
JW V/7
Dvě balady [Two ballads]
folksong arrangement for voice and piano
Ballad no. 1. Fiddlers were wandering, Ballad no. 2 And there was once a farmer.
Texts and tunes: 1. folksong from Vnorovy collected by Hynek Bím, 2. folksong collected Metoděj Dušek
first performance
unknownfirst edition as part of the collection Folksongs and Ballads, Panton, Prague 1978 (only no. 1). No. 2 unpublished
JW V/8
6 národních písní, jež zpívala Gabel Eva [6 folksongs sung by Eva Gabel]
(26 folk ballads, part I), folksong arrangement for voice and piano
1. I won't die on the ground, 2. I walked through the town, 3. Four scythes, 4. In the meadows of Slatina, 5. Far and wide the bird flew, 6. For you, Anička
- after folksong texts and tunes sung by Eva Gabel, collected by Františka
Kyselková, 1909
- first performance 1911 Brno
first edition Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1922, part 1 of 26 folk ballads
JW V/9
Podme, milá, podme! [Let's go, my dear, let's go!]
folksong arrangement
for voice and piano
folksong text and tune, provenance unknown
first performance
1949 Brno- first edition as part of New Collections of Moravian Folksongs, Večery literary supplement of Lidové noviny, Brno 1911
JW V/10
by 1911
Písně detvanské, zbojnické balady [Songs of Detva, brigand ballads]
(26 folk ballads, part III), folksong arrangement for voice and piano
1. I won't be good, 2. I sat, I sat, 3. Everybody says all sorts of things, 4. Under the green maple tree, 5. Christmas is coming, 6. There was a forlorn widow, 7. In the mountains, in the valleys, 8. My darling was going to her wedding
Texts and tunes: nos. 1-5 Slovak folksongs from Karol A. Medvecky's collection Detva, nos. 6-8 folksongs from the collection Bouquet of Folksongs by Bartoš and Janáček
first performance
unknown- first edition Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1950, part 3 of 26 folk ballads
JW V/11
Zápisník zmizelého [The diary of one who disappeared]
song cycle for tenor, alt, three female voices and piano
1. I met a young Gypsy girl, 2. That black Gypsy girl, 3. Fireflies are dancing over the dike, 4. The young swallows are twittering in the nest, 5. Ploughing is hard for me, I didn't sleep much, 6. Hey, you grey oxen, 7. I've lost the (axle-)pin, 8. Don't stare, little oxen, 9. 'Welcome, Janíček', 10. Distant, immortal God, 11. Fragrance wafts towards the wood, 12. Dark alder-grove, 13. piano intermezzo, 14. The sun is rising, 15. My grey oxen, 16. What have I done?, 17. What's ordained?, 18. I don't care about anything else now, 19. The magpie is flying, 20. I've got a girl, 21. My dear father, 22. Farewell, my native countryside
after text by Ozef Kalda
first performance
1921 Brnofirst edition Oldřich Pazdírek, Brno 1921 (score), critical edition E/4 Editio Janáček, Brno 2005 (ed. L. Faltus, A. Němcová)
JW V/12
1917-1919, rev. 1920
Slezské písně (ze sbírky Heleny Salichové) [Silesian songs (from Helena Salichová's collection)]
folksong arrangement for voice and piano
1. And though I'm very small, 2. When I was passing the gate, 3. And though I'm a poor father's daughter, 4. That cottage of ours made from tiny stones, 5. Hey, what's that rustling?, 6. Water in the track, 7. Hey, what nightingale is this one?, 8. Ma'am, you have a pretty daughter, 9. Even if you harnessed twenty-four horses, 10. In the black wood a little bird is singing
- after folksong texts and tunes from Helena Salichová's collection published in the collection Silesian Wedding Folksongs and Others from in and around Kyjovice
first performance
1919, Prague, Brno- first edition B. Svoboda, Brno 1920
JW V/13
Ukolébavka [Lullaby]
arrangement for voice and piano after the text and tune from the song Sleep, my dear bud in Jan Amos Komenský's Nursery school handbook
- first performance unknown
first edition in the Comenius Book on the 250th anniversary of J. A. Comenius's death, Ústřední spolek učitelský na Moravě a ve Slezsku, 1920
JW V/14
by 1920
[Lidové písně upravené ve fejetonu "Starosta Smolík"] [Folksong arrangements in 'Starosta Smolík']
for voice and unnamed instruments
[1.] Rejoice all of you, [2.] Sklenov border country, [3.] Come, come, girls
- after folksong texts and tunes collected by Leoš Janáček
- first performance 1958 Brno
first edition in the feuilleton Starosta Smolík, Lidové noviny, Brno 1923
JW V/15
by 1923
Říkadla [1] [Nursery rhymes (1)]
eight songs for one to three mezzo-sopranos, clarinet and piano to the texts of Czech and Moravian nursery rhymes
1. Mole is crawling around his patch, 2. Karel rode to hell, 3. Franta from the knacker family played the bass, 4. I'm preaching a sermon, 5. Ho, ho, the cows are coming, 6. The white goat's picking pears, 7. Vašek, shepherd, drummer-boy, 8. Frantík, Frantík
first performance
1925 Brnofirst edition La Revue musicale, Paris 1926 (nos. 2 and 6, score), Editio Moravia, Universal Edition, Brno-Vienna 1993 (complete, score)
JW V/16
Říkadla [2] [Nursery rhymes (2)]
introduction and eighteen songs for nine voices and ten instruments to the texts of nursery rhymes from Bohemia, Moravia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia
1. Introduction, 2. Turnip was getting married, 3. Nothing's nicer than early spring, 4. Mole is crawling around his patch, 5. Karel rode to hell, 6. Torn trousers, 7. Franta from the knacker family played bass, 8. Our dog, our dog, 9. I'm preaching a sermon, 10. The old woman was casting spells, 11. Ho, ho, the cows are coming, 12. My tiny little wife, 13. The old woman's crawling into the elder-tree, 14. The white goat's picking pears, 15. The surly German banged the pots, 16. Goat lies on the hay, 17. Vašek, shepherd, drummer-boy, 18. Frantík, Frantík, 19. Bear was sitting on the treetrunk
first performance
1927 Brno- first edition Universal Edition, Vienna 1927 (score)