Orání [Ploughing]
for male chorus after the folksong text from the collection of František Sušil
- first performance 1873 Brno
first edition as part of the Four Folk Male Choruses, Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1923, critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
Válečná [1] [War song (1)]
for male chorus to
text by an unknown author
- unpublished
Válečná [2]: K svěcení praporu [War song [2]: For dedicating the banner]
for male chorus, trumpet, three trombones and piano to text by an unknown author
- first performance 1873 Brno
- unpublished
Nestálost lásky [The fickleness of love]
for male chorus to
folksong text
- first performance 1873 Brno
first edition as part of Drei Männerchöre nach Volksdichtungen Universal Edition, Vienna 1978 (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
Divím se milému [I wonder at my beloved]
for male chorus to folksong text
- first performance unknown
first edition in Echoes of folksongs no. 2, Melpa, Prague-Brno 1937, critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
Vínek stonulý [The drowned wreath]
for male chorus to
folksong text from the collection of František Sušil
- first performance unknown
first edition in Echoes of folksongs no. 3, Melpa, Prague-Brno 1937, critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
Osamělá bez těchy [1] [Alone without comfort (1)]
for male chorus to folksong text from Kollár's collection Národnié zpievanky
- first performance 1874 Brno
first edition as part of Drei Männerchöre nach Volksdichtungen, Universal Edition, Vienna 1978 (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
Láska opravdivá [True love]
for male chorus to folksong text from Kollár's collection Národnié zpievanky
- first performance 1876 Brno
first edition in Echoes of folksongs no. 1, Melpa, Prague-Brno 1937, critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
Osudu neujdeš [You cannot escape your fate]
for male chorus to a Czech translation of Serbian folksong from the collection Songs of the Serbian People
- first performance unknown
first edition as part of Drei Männerchöre nach Volksdichtungen, Universal Edition, Vienna 1978 (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
Zpěvná dumka [Vocal elegy]
for male chorus after a text by František Ladislav Čelakovský, Breaking a promise, from the collection Echoes of Czech songs
- first performance 1876 Brno
- first edition Opus, Brno 1934 (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/10
Na košatej jedli dva holubi seďá [Two pigeons are perching on the bushy fir tree]
for male chorus to folksong text from the collection of František Sušil
- first performance 1957 Praha
first edition Moravan, Brno 1957, critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/11
Slavnostní sbor [k položení základního kamene Ústavu ku vzdělání učitelů]
[Festive chorus for laying the foundation stone of the Teachers' Institute]
for solo male quartet, male chorus and female chorus after a text by Karel Kučera
- first performance 1877 Brno
- first edition Supraphon, Praha 1972 (ed. Jan Trojan,with reconstructed piano accompaniment)
JW IV/12
Slavnostní sbor ku svěcení nové budovy c. k. Slovanského ústavu ku vzdělání učitelů v Brně
[Festive chorus for the consecration of the new building of the Imperial and Royal Slavonic Teachers' Institute in Brno]
for baritone, male chorus and piano after a text by Karel Kučera?
- first performance 1878 Brno
- unpublished
JW IV/13
Píseň v jeseni [Autumn song]
for mixed chorus after a poem by Jaroslav Vrchlický
- first performance 1880 Brno
first edition in Mixed Choruses no. 1, Orbis, Prague 1951, critical edition Editio Janáček, Brno 2007 (score, ed. L. Faltus, J. Zahrádka)
JW IV/14
Na prievoze [On the ferry]
for male chorus after Slovak folksong text from the collection of Ján Kadavý, Slovenské spevy
- first performance 1957 Praha
first edition Moravan, Brno 1957 (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/15
Ave Maria
for male chorus to a fragment of a poem by George Gordon Byron, Don Juan, translated by Josef Durdík
- first performance unknown
first edition in the journal Varyto, Třebíč 1870
JW IV/16
Čtveřice mužských sborů [Four male-voice choruses]
1. The warning, 2. O love, 3. Ah, the war, 4. Your lovely eyes. Texts: 1 and 3 are folksongs from the collection of František Sušil, 2 is a folksong from Vnorovy, 4 is after a text by Jaroslav Tichý
- first performance 1886 Brno
first edition as Male Choruses, K. Winkler, Brno 1886, critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/17
Kačena divoká [The wild duck]
for mixed chorus after folksong text from the collection of František Sušil
- first performance 1891 Brno
first edition as part of the Songbook for Secondary and Civic Schools, Joža Barvič, Brno 1885, critical edition Editio Janáček, Brno 2007 (score, ed. L. Faltus, J. Zahrádka)
JW IV/18
3 sbory mužské [3 male-voice choruses]
1. Parting, 2. The dove, 3. The jealous man. Texts 1 and 2 after the poems Na rozchodu and Holubička from the collection Letorosty by Eliška Krásnohorská, 3 is a folksong text from the collection of František Sušil
- first performance 1941 Brno
first edition as Three Male Choruses, Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění, Prague 1959 (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/19
Královničky [The little queens]
Old ritual folk dances with songs. 1. We are carrying the maypole, 2. The falcon flew away, 3. We have a lame queen, 4. Hurray, my little queen, hurray, 5. Who is the queen that the king has gained, 6. Little onion, 7. The gallant's young wife, 8. We're riding to the mill, 9. Our queen, 10. Our willows are turning green. After folksong texts from the collection of František Sušil and the Little Queens collection of František X. Bakeš
- first performance 1889 Brno
first edition Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění, Prague 1954
JW IV/20
Naše píseň [2] [Our song (2)]
for mixed chorus after Svatopluk Čech's poem Song
- first performance 1930 Brno
first edition in Mixed Choruses no. 3, Orbis, Prague 1951 (score)
JW IV/21
Což ta naše bříza [Our birch tree]
for male chorus after a poem by Eliška Krásnohorská from the collection From the springtime of life
- first performance 1893 Brno
first edition Památník Svatopluka, Brno 1893, critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/22
Už je slunko z téj hory ven [The sun has risen above that hill]
for baritone, mixed chorus and piano after folksong text
- first performance 1894 Brno
- unpublished
JW IV/23
Odpočiň si "Smuteční sbor" [Take your rest "Funeral chorus"]
for male chorus after a poem by František Sušil, Song at the grave of Mr Antonín Boček
- first performance 1894?
first edition Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1926 (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/24
Slavnostní sbor [k svěcení praporu svatojosefské jednoty]
[Festive chorus for dedicating the banner of St Joseph's Union]for male chorus after text by Vladimír Šťastný
- first performance 1898 Brno
first edition Tisk pěveckého sdružení moravských učitelů, undated. (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/25
Osamělá bez těchy [2] [Alone without comfort (2)]
for male chorus after folksong text from Kollár's collection Národnié zpievanky
- first performance unknown
first edition as part of Drei Männerchöre nach Volksdichtungen, Universal Edition, Vienna 1978 (score), critical edition SKV C/1 Supraphon, Prague 1983 (ed. L. Faltus, P. Oliva)
JW IV/26
1898, rev. 1925
Ukvalské písně [Hukvaldy songs]
folksong arrangements for mixed chorus after texts and melodies of
Hukvaldy folksongs, 1. Ondraš, Ondraš!, 2. You little church in Hukvaldy!, 3.
On the mayor's meadows, 4. You little church in Hukvaldy, hey!, 5. God reward
you, 6. Hanka, the mayor's daughter
first performance 1944 Hukvaldy (incomplete), 1948 Frýdek-Místek (complete)
first edition Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1949, critical edition, Editio Janáček, Brno 2007 (score, ed. L. Faltus, J. Zahrádka)
JW IV/27
Čtvero mužských sborů moravských [Four Moravian male-voice choruses]
1. If you only knew, 2. Mosquitoes, 3. The evening witch, 4. Parting. Texts 1 and 3 are from Ondřej Přikryl's collection Hanácký pěsničky, 2. Bartoš-Janáček: Kytice z národních písní, 4. after a text from the collection of František Sušil
first performance of 1 and 3 - Přerov 1905, number 2 - Vyškov 1907, number 3 - Zagreb 1907, number 4 - Brno 1908
first edition Mojmír Urbánek, Prague 1906
JW IV/28
1900, 1906
Otče náš [Our father]
first version 1901 for tenor, mixed chorus and piano or harmonium
second version 1906 for tenor, mixed chorus, harp and organ
after the text Our father from Matthew's gospel
first performance of the first version - 1901 Brno, second version -1906 Prague
first version unpublished, first edition of second version Státní hudební nakladatelství, Prague 1963
JW IV/29
rev. 1906
Elegie na smrt dcery Olgy [Elegy on the death of my daughter Olga]
for tenor, mixed chorus and piano after a text by Maria Nikolayevna Veveritsa
- first performance 1930 Brno
first edition Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění, Prague 1958
JW IV/30
Vínek [The wreath]
for male chorus to folksong text collected by Antonín Pustka
- first performance 1925 Brno
first edition in Four Folk Male Choruses, Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1923
JW IV/31
Lidová nokturna [Folk nocturnes]
Evening songs of Slovak people from Rovné (26 folk ballads, II), folksong arrangements for "folk duet" and piano, 1. A girl was mowing the meadow, 2. It will be winter, it will be frost, 3. The lord's meadow is green, 4. The carter drives through the valley, 5. Our rosy Janyčko, 6. When I go to the army, my darling!, 7. The little swallow has flown high.
to folksong text and tunes from Makov and Velké Rovné, collected by Leoš Janáček
- first performance 1907 Brno
- first edition Hudební matice Umělecké
Besedy, Praha 1922
JW IV/32
Kantor Halfar [Halfar the schoolmaster]
for male chorus after the poem of the same name by Petr Bezruč from the collection Silesian Songs
- first performance 1911 Plzeň
- first edition Hudební matice Umělecké
Besedy, Praha 1923
JW IV/33
Maryčka Magdónova [1]
for male chorus after the poem of the same name by Petr Bezruč from the collection Silesian Songs
- not performed
- unpublished
JW IV/34
Maryčka Magdónova [2]
for male chorus after the poem of the same name by Petr Bezruč from the collection Silesian Songs
- first performance 1908 Prostějov
first edition Tisk pěveckého sdružení moravských učitelů, 1908, František Urbánek, Prague 1909 (score)
JW IV/35
70 tisíc [The seventy thousand]
for male chorus after the poem of the same name by Petr Bezruč from the collection Silesian Songs
- first version 1909, second version 1912
- first performance of 1909 version in 1910, 1912 version in 1914, Benešov u Prahy
- 1909 version unpublished
- first edition of 1912 version Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1923
JW IV/36
Pět národních písní [Five folksongs]
folksong arrangements for tenor, male chorus and piano or harmonium, 1. The maidens went to pick berries, 2. In the wide field of Velká, 3. Guelder-rose, why don't you bloom? 4. Fiddlers were roaming, 5. And there was once a farmer. Texts and tunes: 1. folksong from Kostice collected by Josef Pilát, 2., 3. Bartoš-Janáček: Kytice z národních písní, 4. folksong from Vnorovy collected by Hynek Bím, 5. folksong from Velké Karlovice collected by Matěj Dušek
- first performance 1934 Brno
first edition as part of Twenty-six Folk Ballads, Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1950
JW IV/37
Perina [The eiderdown]
for male chorus after a folksong text and tune from the collection of Josef Poláček, Slovácké pěsničky 1914?
- first performance 1925 Brno
first edition in Four Folk Male Choruses, Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1923 (score)
JW IV/38
Vlčí stopa [The wolf's trail]
for female chorus and piano after the poem of the same name by Jaroslav Vrchlický from the collection Epic Poems
- first performance 1916 Luhačovice
first edition Supraphon, Prague 1968 (score), critical edition SKV E/7 Supraphon, Prague 2002 (ed. M. Štědroň jr., J. Zahrádka)
JW IV/39
Hradčanské písničky [Songs of Hradčany]
for soprano, female chorus, flute and harp, 1. Golden lane, 2. The weeping fountain, 3. Belvedere
after texts from the collection Hradčany Songs by F. S. Procházka
first performance 1916 Prague (only no. 1), 1918 Brno (complete)
- první vydání Hudební matice Umělecké
Besedy, Praha 1922 (partitura), kritická edice SKV E/7 Supraphon, Praha 2002 (eds.
Miloš Štědroň ml. a Jiří Zahrádka)
JW IV/40
Kašpar Rucký
for female chorus after a poem by F. S. Procházka Kašpar Rucký from the collection Hradčany Songs
- first performance 1921 Praha
first edition Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1925, critical edition SKV E/7 Supraphon, Prague 2002 (ed. M. Štědroň jr., J. Zahrádka)
JW IV/41
Česká legie [The Czech legion]
for male chorus after an anonymous text published in Národní listy
- first performance 1920 Kroměříž
first edition Tisk pěveckého sdružení moravských učitelů, 1920 (score)
JW IV/42
Potulný šílenec [The wandering madman]
for male chorus a soprano after a text of the same name by the poet Rabindranath Tagore from the collection The Gardener
- first performance 1924 Rosice u Brna
first edition Hudební matice Umělecké Besedy, Prague 1925
JW IV/43
Naše vlajka [Our flag]
for male chorus and two sopranos after F. S. Procházka's poem Flag from the collection New Hradčany Songs
- first performance 1926 Přerov
first edition Tisk pěveckého sdružení moravských učitelů, 1926
JW IV/44
Sbor při kladení základního kamene Masarykovy univerzity Brno [Chorus for laying the foundation stone of Masaryk University in Brno]
for male chorus after
a text by Antonín Trýb
- first performance 1928 Brno
- unpublished
JW IV/45